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Aquatic Invasive Species in Commerce Summit
March 8, 2023, 10am-1pm Pacific Time

This 3-hour summit identified gaps and issues and set the stage to develop strategies and actions to minimize risks posed by aquatic plants and pets in commerce. Expert presenters and panelists shared information on ecommerce, monitoring and inspection, labeling and
recordkeeping, regulations and enforcement, voluntary industry standards, and outreach associated with plants and animals in trade. The summit  concluded with the launch of seven work groups to collaboratively develop actionable items to minimize the spread of aquatic invasive species in commerce.
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SUMMIT AGENDA Summit Powerpoint (all presentations) 

Aquatic Invasive Species in Commerce Virtual Summit

Developing Strategies to Mitigate Risk
March 8, 2023, 10am-1pm Pacific Time

Goal: Familiarize attendees with the key issues associated with aquatic invasive species in commerce, the results of a recent survey of agency management staff as well as buyers and sellers of aquatic plants and animals, and upcoming focus/work groups to identify key gaps and potential strategies and actions to lessen the risk of aquatic invasive species spread in commerce.

Project Timeline and deliverables:

  • Kickoff virtual summit - 3 hours in March of 2023.

  • Work groups convene four times from March through September of 2023.

  • Mid-term summit convening in May/June 2023 after each work group meets 2x to share key gaps/issues and proposed draft strategies and actions to address those gaps.

  • Early Fall convening of all work group participants (and others) to review work group recommendations.

  • Post draft action plan to website and open feedback opportunity to comment on proposed actions.

  • Final virtual summit in October/November of 2023 to share outcomes of all work groups and draft action plan.


Participants: Representatives from aquatic plant and pet industry sectors, state and federal management agencies, nonprofit organizations, academic institutions, agency enforcement, and legal /legislative representatives.

Link to register for summit:

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